Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Being a voice for Memphis Grace

When we lost Memphis Grace almost 2 months ago, I immediately said that I would be a voice for her. Not really sure what that meant, I have constantly prayed that God would show me how to carry this out. At first I thought once we had an answer as to why this happened, I would jump on the bandwagon and be an advocate for more research, more awareness, etc. As each test came back normal, my opportunity to be a voice for my daughter dwindled. Last week the final test came back and it too was normal. As much as I am thankful NOT to have a medical condition that caused the loss of our sweet girl, I am equally as frustrated that we DO NOT have an answer. Throughout this journey, I have been amazed at the peace God has provided for me. Sure there have been days when I have wanted to give up but there have also been days that I have celebrated. It has been a rollercoaster emotionally, physically, mentally and even spiritually. Honestly I am exhausted. One thing that has remained the same during this time is Him. When I have lost all hope, He has provided the hope I needed. When I have felt lonely, He has opened my eyes that He is with me and I can be alone with Him. When I break down for no reason, He picks me up. My faith is stronger than it has ever been and now I see exactly what it means to be a voice for Memphis Grace. My purpose in this life is to share the Gospel through her story with others, especially those far from God. I can say without a doubt if I was not a believer and did not have a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior, this story would be completely different. I hate to think of what this journey would look like if it had happened at an earlier time in my life. I can only imagine the results would not be pretty. God is still showing me how to be her voice but in the meantime I have decided to start a blog and share my journey with others through writing. Not only do I feel this is a perfect way to share the good news with others but it will be another step in the grieving and healing process for me. I do not know what this blog will look like, what I will write about or how often I will write but I do know it will be honest. Some might find what I write about uncomfortable to read and I am perfectly fine with that. It is real life. It’s not something that I planned. It’s not something that I had time to prepare for. It happened and I want to embrace this opportunity to impact whoever it is meant to reach.

So…hang on for the ride. Here goes nothing!